Pimet Ltd. Is a company manufacturing plastic products. The company is closely connected to Pimet General Partnership.

Our company’s potential is supported by our state-of-the-art Arburg injection machines which have a clamping force of 70 to 380 tonnes, our extensive experience in the processing of plastics, our current client database, the experience of our managerial staff, our modern infrastructure and our access to the modern and well-equipped tool department of Pimet s.j.

In 2013, Pimet implemented a certified quality management system that ensures our development and the satisfaction of our clients.

Our quality management system encompasses:

  • the manufacture of plastic products in compliance with the requirements set forth in EN ISO 9001:2008 (for all packaging intended for food contact), GMP, and GHP (for packaging intended for food contact), apart from the requirements for product design.

At present, our production is mainly focused on packaging that comes into contact with food, which means that the requirements of good hygienic and manufacturing practices are a significant part of the company’s quality management system.

Pimet also manufactures, to list just a few, parts for kitchen exhaust hoods, fiscal cash registers, and electronics casings.
The company owners also intend to expand the scope of the company’s business by including the manufacture of products for the automotive industry.
